Self-Resilience Indicator
How to Thrive Versus Survive During Uncertain Times
This Self-Resilience Indicator looks at an individual’s capacity to manage change successfully on an emotional level (for themselves and others) using eight facets.
One of the few things we can count on life: 1) Death 2) Taxes 3) Constant CHANGE! But who do you turn to when you struggle with change? How can we lead others through change if we are struggling with it ourselves? The Self-Resilience Indicator provides a comprehensive lens for assessing an individual’s capacity to handle minor or major changes on an emotional perspective. This tool can be used by individual seeking support with a current or soon to be change, self-development, consultants, coaches, or trainers either as a tool to use during a workshop or as an organizational survey. This indicator measures eight Self-Resilience facets:
- Self Awareness
- Socially Connected / Social Support
- Flexible and Adaptable
- Self Confidence / Self Control
- Organized / Proactive
- Problem Solver
- Socially Competent
- Self Care
The Indicator includes definitions for all eight facets, a tally sheet for participants to assess their level of Self-Resilience in all facets, and an action plan to deepen the learning.
Click below to purchase one downloadable copy of the Self-Resilience Indicator.
Kindly purchase additional copies if you are using it more than once.
Self-Resilience Indicator and a 75-minute customized coaching debrief.
Check your email for the Self-Resilience Indicator download link.
About Stepping into More – Lessons From a Recovering Perfectionist

Stepping Into More – Lessons from a Recovering Perfectionist, is Rachel’s personal journey from fearful perfectionist to confident performer. Despite her personal and professional successes, her continuous quest to be everything to everyone – kept some of her deepest loves and passions hidden for more than 20 years. The story is about coming full circle and embracing her life-long passions and going for it. Intended as a tool, this guide offers support as you grapple with your own Gremlins and higher self, so that you learn how to make clear, conscious choices that lead to a wonderful, expansive life. Rachel’s story and the reflective questions at the end of each chapter are designed to serve as a stepping stone for you to reconnect to and honor your passions, values, and dreams.
Highlights from the Stepping into More Concert
Praise for Stepping into More – Lessons from a Recovering Perfectionist
Rachel’s book is a fantastic read for anyone who is struggling from being a perfectionist. As a business coach I often see this personality type and people struggle to satisfy themselves and the lives of others around them. Rachel has brilliantly shared her life long story on how to recover with amazing self improvement questions at the end of each chapter. I highly recommend this book because let’s be honest, nobody is perfect!
So many of us have that inner Perfectionist that makes us unhappy because we can never measure up. Rachel Karu has written a wonderfully moving and honest account of her struggles to master that inner voice and achieve the success she wanted in spite of her fears. Anyone who has ever suffered from ‘I am not enough’ syndrome can take heart and learn from her wisdom and guidance here. Fabulous!
With candor and humor Karu shares the fears and insecurities experienced by so many women and instills hope that you really can step into more.
So many of us have that inner Perfectionist that makes us unhappy because we can never measure up. Rachel Karu has written a wonderfully moving and honest account of her struggles to master that inner voice and achieve the success she wanted in spite of her fears. Anyone who has ever suffered from ‘I am not enough’ syndrome can take heart and learn from her wisdom and guidance here. Fabulous!