Unforgettable Keynote/Emcee
Deliver an unforgettable keynote to open or close your event and/or emcee your event or panel discussion facilitation.
Dynamic Breakout Sessions
Experiential workshops
Topics include:
Stepping Into More: Purpose and Passion
Reconnect with your strengths, values and passion to live a meaningful and rich life.

- Do you fit the standard definition of success, yet your life feels meaningless and empty?
- Perhaps you have disconnected from a passion because you have been so busy being in service to others at work and at home or you feel like you “have it all” but something is missing?
- Are you ready to Step Into More by creating the life you desire and deserve?
Learn how to:
- Define your strengths and values
- Systematically set goals to support you in living your purpose and passion
- Let curiosity be your guide
- Be more intentional when saying yes and no
Stepping Into More: Balance
How to Lead an Integrated and Purposeful Life.

- Successful professionals are very driven to achieve results by supporting others in their organizations. Sometimes this means burning the candle on both ends for too long. The ultimate result if taken to the extreme: Burnout.
- During this interactive and engaging session, participants reconnect to what is important to them and assess how much work-life balance they are experiencing. They learn strategies for experiencing a more productive and fulfilling life.
- Recognize the need to experience a sense of balance in order to achieve organizational goals
- Explore how to honor personal priorities and goals, while thriving with daily corporate pressures
- Use a tool to assess current balance levels in major life and work areas
- Investigate the meaning of work-life balance
- Begin action planning utilizing strategic goal setting to gain more balance in at least one life area
Stepping Into More: Acceptance
Overcoming perfectionism.

- Do you beat yourself up when you are not perfect?
- Do you ever procrastinate because you fear you cannot complete to the task perfectly?
- Do you create unrealistic expectations for yourself and others?
Learn how to:
- Define perfectionism and recognize the harm it causes.
- Recognize when you or others you know are gripped by perfectionism
- Set more realistic expectations for yourself and other
- Practice forgiveness
- Value excellence over perfectionism
Stepping Into More: Your Strengths
How to identify and leverage your strengths.

- Do you recognize the things that energize you and deplete your energy at work?
- Do you have a plan to leverage your strengths and minimize your weaknesses?
- Understand what constitutes a strength and a weakness
- Discover the value of adopting the strengths-based mindset
- Gain a deeper understanding of the 9 strength Roles on the StandOut strength assessment
- Strategize how to leverage and communicate your strengths
- Engage your Top 2 StandOut Strength Roles to define your unique comparative advantage and drive your performance
- Focus on working with others based on the strengths that you bring
- Create a specific action plan to apply strengths more intentionally at work
- Express the best of yourself through the strengths board
- Build your strengths with additional tips and suggestions, each personalized specifically to your unique strength Role combination
*Participants will take the StandOut assessment prior to the workshop and receive the assessment report identifying their top two StandOut Strength Roles
Stepping Into More: Self Discovery
Learn your Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type and temperament to gain clarity on your core needs and to better understand yourself and your preferences.

- Do you truly understand your core needs?
- Do you truly know what energizes you?
The MBTI assessment measures your innate personality preferences in terms of how you derive energy, take in information, make decisions, and operate in the world. Your personality type has unique implications for how you communicate, deal with change, lead or manage others, solve problems, and how you interact with others who are of different personality types. Understanding your own personality type, as well as the personality types of others, can help you to be more productive as a leader, manager and co-worker and has career choice implications.
Temperament Model
At our core, we possess certain filters or mental models that impact how we see the world. Our core needs influence our values, skills, roles, and behaviors. Effective communication requires us to be grounded in our core self while realizing others may be different therefore; we need to know how to adapt our approach accordingly. The Temperament Model helps us learn who we are at our core in a straightforward and engaging manner.
Learn how to:
- Identify your Best Fit Temperament by participating in interactive exercises
- Get a firm understanding of the four Myers Briggs Type Indicator Dimensions
- Engage in self-reflection exercises to verify your Myers Briggs Type Indicator “Best Fit” type
- Integrate your self-awareness to support you in communicating more effectively, choosing the career for you and much more!
- Adapt your preferred MBTI style to other MBTI styles to more effectively communicate and get results
* Participants will take the online Myers Briggs Type Inventory prior to the workshop
Stepping Into More: Resilience During Change
Things we can count on in life:
Death • Taxes • Constant CHANGE

- But who do professionals like yourself turn to when they struggle with change?
- Do you find yourself saying, “Hey, I’m fine.” or “I can take care of myself?”
- Would you like some support?
Learn how to:
- View change as a comprehensive process that affects us on a strategic and emotional level
- Define Self-Resilience
- Build Self-Resilience by exploring eight different facets
- Apply concepts learned to a real life change you are currently experiencing or leading
* Participants Complete a Self-Resilience Self-Assessment Indicator during the workshop
Stepping Into More: Effective Feedback
Maximize your strengths and sharpen your feedback tool-kit.

- Are you uncomfortable at both giving and receiving feedback?
- Do you put off giving feedback or avoid it all together?
- Did you know that second only to firing an employee, managers cite performance appraisals and giving feedback as tasks they dislike most?
- Assess your current level of effectiveness at both giving and receiving feedback
- Identify your personal behavioral style in giving feedback
- Learn a practical approach to giving effective positive and developmental feedback
- Implement best practices through hands on skill building with real life scenarios
- Walk away with at least 2 unique tools on giving feedback
Stepping Into More: Inner Peace
How to self-manage when you are triggered.

- Do you ever get emotionally triggered? (come on, we all do)
- Are you able to act effectively when you are emotionally triggered?
- Have you ever opened your mouth and inserted your foot?
- Identify when you are emotional triggered by looking at physical, emotional and mental responses and reactions
- Engage your thinking brain vs. being ruled by your emotional brain when you are triggered
- Apply at least 3 techniques to help you remain more neutral when you are triggered
- Take care of yourself when you are triggered
Reconnect with your Passion Retreat

This two-day retreat is designed to support you in reconnecting to and unleashing your passion.
The Retreat Includes:
- Interactive exercises to Unearth your Purpose by identifying your Strengths
- Experiential exercises to support you in Igniting your Passion
- Exploring fears and other reasons why you have stopped engaging in your Passion.
- A Performance for your friends and family to witness you Stepping into More as you share your Passion with the Universe in an empowering and supported environment.
Stepping Into More: Effective Coaching Skills for Leaders
Learn how to coach for success and improvement.

- What does it mean to be an effective coach?
- How do you adjust your style depending on your employees’ development level?
- Do you conduct regular one-to-ones that focus on employees?
- Fulfill the essential roles of a coach by learning about the Retention Wheel
- Engage and Retain Your employees
- Identify and leverage your employees’ strengths
- Conduct effective one-to-one sessions
- Give and receive effective feedback
- Learn the natural flow for Coaching for Improvement Discussions
Stepping Into More: Effective Careers
Take charge of your career by creating your career marketing plan.

- Successful companies and products have marketing plans. Have you created the marketing plan for You, Inc.?
- Thrive during today’s challenging business environment
- Create a Career Marketing Plan – a tool to assist you in determining your career focus, conduct research, and utilize as a networking tool
- Define your top competencies (knowledge, skills, and behaviors)
- Create success stories to share with others during interviews and networking

7-week Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness ProgramThe pandemic has brought to life how crucial it is that we focus on building mental fitness just like we do with physical fitness. The question is how?
Humans have a negativity bias for survival purposes. Part of this bias means that everyone has Saboteurs. Those negative voices in our head that tell us “I’m not good enough, I’m an imposter, what if I’m wrong, I will fail, or what will people think”? Sound familiar?
Many of us are ruled by our saboteurs, especially since the pandemic impacted many of us by living in a constant state of fear.
What if there was a way to enjoy success while experiencing positive emotions such as empathy, curiosity, creativity, passion, and purpose? Well, the good news is, that you can, by learning how to access your inner Sage!
Build your emotional intelligence by attending this workshop and learning about Positive Intelligence, a powerful framework based on factor analysis and grounded in neuroscience, to shift you from your Saboteur to your Sage by building your mental muscle fitness.
During this workshop you will:
- Learn about the characteristics of the Judge and the 9 accomplice Saboteurs by taking a Saboteur Assessment prior to the workshop.
- Reveal the impact your Saboteurs are having on your professional and personal life.
- Learn a powerful practice to build your mental fitness and shift you from a Saboteur mindset to a Sage perspective.
Click the link below to learn about an all new 7-week Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness Program.
You can complete this program as part of a public group, or it can be brought into your organization.
Stepping Into More: Effective Influencing
Learn how to influence in all directions by building relationships.

Learn how to:
- Define positive influencing
- Utilize the 3 part influencing process including strategy, packaging and commitment
- Develop influencing strategies that strengthens relationships and achieves business results
- Consider how to apply concepts learned to a real life influence opportunity